Outcomes EDU:PACT Project

After more than three years of intense work, the project Intercultural Education through Physical Activity, Coaching and Training – EDU:PACT is officially completed.

The aim of the project was to help address the intercultural challenges schools, clubs, teachers and coaches are facing. It aimed to provide innovative evidence-based intercultural pedagogy in physical education and coaching and thereby improving the quality of pre- and in-service education.

Summary of the Work Program

1.       Needs analysis to determine the state of knowledge and to generate expert practice input

·       Rapid Evidence Analysis

·       Focus Group Interviews with teachers, researchers and experts

2.       Development of teaching and learning guidelines, didactical concepts and study units

·       Module Handbook

·       Online Toolkit

3.       Pilot training of expert staff from all project partners

·       ToT Vienna (Sept. 2019)

4.       Implementation of the developed modules

·       EDU:PACT courses

·       National Multiplier Events

5.       Review & validation process to optimize guidelines, didactical approaches, study units and modules

·       Feedback by teaching staff and participants of courses and events

·       Survey on the Module Handbook

6.       Transnational dissemination and connecting sport stakeholders

·       International Multiplier Event (ENSE Forum, Sept. 2019, Vienna)

·       Final Conference (Educate and Integrate?!, March 2021, Online)

The work program was successfully completed and important steps towards sustainability were implemented. You can access the outputs and information on activities below.

Get involved

If you are interested in joining the project click here 


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