Needs Analysis and Report
Needs Analysis / WP2
The Needs Analysis conducted as part of Work Package 2 aimed to identify best available knowledge and generate expert-practice input related to the field of intercultural learning through physical activity and sport. Core WP activities were: Compiling academic knowledge and practical experiences for the further development of the project.
The target group of WP2 were the teachers/coaches/professionals responsible for reaching out to the population of children and youth. The aim was to generate knowledge on how to best support the mentioned professionals in their coming or current practice dealing with physical activity and minority children and youngsters.
WP 2 consisted of three main activities: 1) a Rapid Evidence Analysis, 2) a Focus Group Interview with teachers/researchers at university/teacher education institutions, and 3) a Focus Group Interview with experts in the area. In the Rapid Evidence Analysis, the academic knowledge was collected whereas the more practically oriented knowledge and experiences was collected through the Focus Group Interviews.
Rapid Evidence Analysis (REA)
The REA aimed at identifying and assessing relevant literature within the area of intercultural learning through physical activity and sport. Using the knowledge obtained in the literature, the further aim was to identify categories/areas of particular interest in relation to topics covered during the Focus Group Interviews with teachers and experts in the area.
Each partner institution was asked to forward existing knowledge within the area to University of Southern Denmark. Based on that information, SDU conducted the rapid/scoping/structured literature review of the field to further identify relevant literature. Both scientific and grey literature was included.
Based on the review, SDU produced a template for each partner institution to use during the Focus Group Interviews (see appendix 1 of the Needs Analysis Report).
Focus Group 1: Consortium Assessment
Each partner institution related to WP2 (University of Southern Denmark, University of Vienna, German Sport University, University of Thessaly, and University of Rome “Foro Italico”) conducted one Focus Group Interview with relevant participants from the teacher education/university areas. Representatives at the Focus Group Interviews were individuals, who were teaching students about and/or carrying out research in relation to intercultural challenges in the inclusion of children through physical activity and sport.
Focus Group 2: Expert Panel
Each partner institution related to WP2 (University of Southern Denmark, University of Vienna, German Sport University, University of Thessaly, and University of Rome “Foro Italico”) conducted one Focus Group Interview with a panel of experts in the field. The phrase experts referred to individuals/organizations who work with/for the primary project target group. Examples could be entities working within after-school institutions, school clubs, formally structured physical activities in neighborhoods’, refugee programs, school teachers etc.
Read more and download the full report here
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