Survey Assessment Meeting
Survey Assessment Meeting - "Intercultural Education through Physical Activity, Coaching and Training (EDU:PACT)"
The second Meeting was hosted by the University of Southern Denmark and took place from the 26th until the 28th of September 2018. In total, 11 representatives from 7 partner institutions took part in the meeting and shared their results regarding the needs-analysis respectively.
The needs-analysis specifically referred to the collection of information about the actual situation that teachers, coaches and trainers are facing today. Furthermore, it focused on what is currently really "missed and needed" by the practitioners in schools and clubs. Instruments for the analysis were focus group interviews with the help of a questionnaire set up by the University of Southern Denmark (SDU).
Based on the results, the consortium compiled ideas and recommendations for the design and the alignment of the training modules. The next meeting, which will already be held in November/December in Cologne, focuses specifically on the development of the modules. Representatives from Cologne, Vienna and Rome will work closely together with our NGO-Partners as their comprehensive practical long-term experience is of special value in this matter.
"The meeting in Odense has built a solid scientific foundation for the development of the training modules which make up the core of this project. We are very much looking forward to welcoming all respective Partners in Cologne and continue to work on this matter", says Karen Petry, deputy head of the department of European sport development and leisure research at the German sport university in Cologne.
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