Quality Assurance Meeting

The aim of the meeting, hosted by the University of Rome on February 26, 2021, was to review the quality assurance measures of the projects to ensure that the objectives are achieved and that they meet the needs of students, teachers and trainers and society. Reliable data is crucial for sound decision-making and for knowing what works well and what needs attention. The project's quality assurance policy is based on internal quality assurance structures and processes and additionally involves subcontracted external experts.

Quality assurance takes into account the needs and expectations of teachers and trainers (to improve intercultural education through sport) and the needs and expectations of pupils and students (to support their personal development, create advanced knowledge, skills and competences, prepare for active citizenship, contribute to employability) as well as the expectations of other stakeholders and society.

In the meeting the material collected during the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the project (e.g. key indicators of performance, students' and educators' expectations, needs and satisfaction with the program, teaching and learning resources) was analyzed. The specific focus of the project's quality assurance relates to teaching and learning in physical education and sports in an intercultural learning environment.

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